It’s World Backup Day—what’s your data protection strategy?

It’s World Backup Day—what’s your data protection strategy?

Okay, maybe you’ve never heard of this “holiday” before—but before you dismiss World Backup Day because it doesn’t involve chocolate hearts or fireworks, keep in mind that it could be one of the most important days of the year for your business...
Centriworks Named 2022 Elite Dealer by ENX Magazine

Centriworks Named 2022 Elite Dealer by ENX Magazine

Each year, ENX Magazine judges Elite Dealer applicants on a number of criteria, from technical service excellence to marketing proficiency, growth initiatives, technology leadership, industry accolades, and community philanthropic support. Those dealers chosen are profiled in the December issue of ENX Magazine.

What is a vCIO and How Should You Budget for Your IT Expenses?

What is a vCIO and How Should You Budget for Your IT Expenses?

A ”Virtual” Chief Information Officer (vCIO) provides recommendations on the best way to develop and implement an organization’s IT strategy. A vCIO works with the CEO and other executives to ensure that the company’s IT needs are being met and that...
Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Strategy for the New Year

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Strategy for the New Year

Let’s take a look at one tool that can help make your data and network more secure — Managed IT Services. We all know there’s no “shortcut” to a strong data and network security policy, but there are some very simple solutions that can make a big difference without a lot of fuss. Managed IT Services can be a huge help — and here’s why.

The Challenges of In-House Managed IT Services

The Challenges of In-House Managed IT Services

Today, IT services are vital for everyday operations in virtually every business of every size. However, having in-house managed IT services can be difficult and expensive for many companies. However, there is an easier way.