Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Follow here (and our social media) all month long for tips and info on how you can protect your technology from cyberthreats!
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Follow here (and our social media) all month long for tips and info on how you can protect your technology from cyber threats!
What is a Brute Force Attack?
A brute force attack is a form of hacking that uses trial and error to gain access to data. The goal of these attacks is to crack passwords, login credentials, or encryption keys. This may seem like an inefficient way to gain unauthorized access, however some hackers can try hundreds of guesses in one second.Follow our tips in the video to reduce your brute force attack vulnerability.
Centriworks can help you work online more safely and securely. Contact our certified experts for more info on Managed IT Services and Cybersecurity Services that can help safeguard your business.
What is a DDOS Attack?
DDOS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. A DDOS attack is a malicious effort to prevent access to online services or websites. These attacks flood the online entity with requests causing it to reach its capacity. Essentially, these attacks send more traffic to a website or online service than it can handle, which causes them to go offline.
Centriworks can help you work online more safely and securely. Contact our certified experts for more info on Managed IT Services and Cybersecurity Services that can help safeguard your business.
What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a form of malware that keeps you from accessing your files or data. Cyberhackers encrypt data and demand payment in exchange for access to your digital assets. Ransomware attacks can block you from accessing your personal data or operating systems, install viruses on your network, and publish your private information online.
Centriworks can help you work online more safely and securely. Contact our certified experts for more info on Managed IT Services and Cybersecurity Services that can help safeguard your business.
Check out more 1-minute Data Dictionary videos!
Our Data Dictionary is your guide to what all those technology acronyms and terms mean. In one minute (or less) Colebee explains some tech terms you’ll read or hear often in relation to cybersecurity, IT, data and other tech-related issues.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Tips
You run a huge risk by using weak, easy-to-remember passwords. You use them because they’re convenient, short, and they expedite how long it takes for you to log into your accounts. But what if we told you that longer, more complex passwords didn’t have to be hard to remember?
What is your company’s Cyber Risk Score? Do you know where you stand with your overall cybersecurity exposure level? Take our free quiz!
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