Do you know if your data has been breached?
Dark Web Scans provide valuable insights you can act on.
Do you know if your data has been breached?
Dark Web Scans provide valuable insights you can act on.

The Dark Web is a place of mystery to many people and organizations. Dark Web pages are not accessible to regular search engines like Google. What defines a website as part of the Dark Web is how it is accessed.
Dark Web sites make themselves hard to find and access. They are made available to surf only through something called a Tor browser. Tor is a system designed to be a security system that makes it very hard to know who operates a website and who is using a website. The name TOR is a three-letter acronym for “The Onion Router.”
When Tor is used, the traffic is randomly routed by people all over the world who volunteer their computers to be a part of the Tor network. The traffic is not only sent to many different computers but is encrypted many times over, with each “hop” or layer being decoded by a different key held by only one computer along the route.
Tor was originally developed by the US Navy to secure its communications and is used by security agencies, police forces, and people wanting to hide their identity worldwide. Tor also uses its own web browser that is based on Mozilla Firefox and has all the necessary processing and encryption built into it to use the Tor network.
Dark Web scans use Tor and the open or clear world wide web to find your personal information that has been published by criminals from the database breaches we hear about so often. We ask for your email address(es) to show you what passwords have been breached and are available for sale and in some cases for free.
This is an indicator that can be used to help you secure your identity, especially if you reuse passwords for different website accounts and banking sites. We also include, if known, approximately when the data became available and from what breach it originated.
If you still use any of the passwords found on a Dark Web scan, change them immediately! We also highly recommend not using the same password for different site logins but unfortunately many people still engage in this dangerous practice.
If you need additional information about getting your business signed up to monitor this type of risk, please let us know and we can help. New breaches happen all the time. Your passwords may not be safe and its better to know than to just hope your information is secured. There are very few who have not been affected by this huge problem.
For more information on Dark Web Scans, call Todd Sheppard at (865) 524-1124 or use the contact form below.
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