The business world continues to find bigger, better ways to embrace technology every day, and for good reason—with apps and work-from-home working models on the rise, organizations of all sizes have to be ready to meet the demand for more advanced IT solutions. But, as the overall reliance on technology increases, there comes a caveat—the digital world of unseen, unpredictable risks. Ultimately, every risk to a business’s system has the same goal: to damage or steal sensitive data.
Data, in our current day and age, is a business’s most valuable asset. Losing access or compromising that data carries significant consequences, including but not limited to:
- Company downtime
- Low/impacted productivity
- Damaged profits
- Lost customer relationships
But the solution isn’t to ignore modern technology—businesses who choose this option are just as vulnerable to data loss as any. In fact, it’s even easier for cybercriminals to strike unpatched software and aged hardware.
So, what’s a small business to do? On one hand, you can’t fall behind on the times. On the other hand, how do you protect your data from criminals you can’t even see?
You need a failsafe — that’s why investing in cloud backups is a must.
What are Cloud Backups?
Cloud backups are digital off-site storage platforms, acting as an extra safe space to retain copies of important data as an alternative to storing everything on a physical hard drive, or other traditional local storage methods. Backing up data to the cloud comes with a myriad of benefits for small businesses.
Minimizes Data Loss
Storing all data locally is a recipe for disaster. Outside of cyber-attacks and other human criminal activity, businesses can lose everything just as easily to something as simple as a server dying or a power surge caused by a storm. Even a seemingly miniscule mistake, like accidentally deleting an important file, can be impossible to fully recover from.
By storing copies of your business’s data offsite in a digital environment, you’re better prepared to quickly recover in the event of a fatal disaster.
More Cost-Effective Than a Server
Did you know Cloud backups are usually less expensive to invest in than on-premises storage? Traditional on-premises storage methods, such as servers, may seem like the least expensive option upfront, but that’s omitting the cost of maintenance, the software licensing, and the staff needed for the job. By storing your data on the cloud, all the technical work and testing are performed by the cloud provider, and you only pay for how much space you need. As you scale, your storage scales with you — you’ll never have to sink your budget into buying another server ever again.
User-friendly Storage Solution
Cloud backups are useful for simplifying the technical barrier for many working people. Not only is it easier to navigate for most people, but it’s also much more widely accessible; All you need is a steady internet connection and the right credentials. The more user-friendly your technology is, the less likely your employees will run into costly mistakes.

Get technology that puts your productivity
and security FIRST.
Improved Security Standing
Cloud backup solutions are a stronger safeguard against theft and other unauthorized access. Because they’re the ones responsible for maintenance, cloud providers are required to constantly implement updated, rigorous security measures such as data encryption and monitoring to prevent the likelihood of a cyberattack. In addition, cloud providers are subject to federally mandated compliance regulations — it’s against the law for them to not fully secure your data, including regular testing and monitoring
Cloud Backup is a No-Brainer
If you’re a decision-maker for an organization struggling to keep up with technology, it’s understandable that you’d hesitate to make more drastic changes to your IT infrastructure. However, investing in cloud backups is a net positive all around, and once you’re out of the business of wrestling with unresponsive servers and running up your electric bill, you’ll understand.
Still need help making the transition to the cloud?
Contact Centriworks today for a consultation! We’ll walk you through what cloud backup options you have, and how they’ll benefit your business’s specialized needs.